Start: December 2018
End: November 2019
Location: Carrer de Tanit, Eivissa
Cost: €272,598.53
Property Number: C012 Historical Heritage Catalog of Ajuntament d’Eivissa
It is a representative eclectic historicist building from the first half of the 20th century, characterized by its colonial-style classical ornamentation.
Project for the renovation of a single-family dwelling in the center of the city of Eivissa. The property dates back to the year 1932 and is located within the archaeological protection zone of Puig des Molins, as per decree 1374 dated 10/11/1987. Therefore, we have emphasized the historical details of the house and carried out the restoration of the facade to match the original construction. Additionally, the terrace has been renovated, and our team restored unique architectural details surrounding the roof under archaeological supervision.