Start Date: October 2019
End Date: December 2019

Location: Carrer de la Torre de Can Negre, 22, Santa Eulalia del Río

Promoter: City Council of Santa Eulalia del Río
Cost: €122,948.26

The building is protected under the figure of Cultural Interest Property (BIC), Registration Number NRGCAIB and NRGMBA: R-I-51-0008643, Declaration: Decree of April 22, 1949, of the Ministry of National Education (BOE 5-5-49), Military Inventory of 1968: Fortified country houses and coastal defense towers, and 2nd Additional Provision of Law 16/85 of June 25.

The restoration has been a process of rigorous conservation of the original building, restoring its fundamental architectural features while enabling its spaces to be visited. It is a troncocónical-shaped building, with two floors, each with a single vaulted room, plus a walkable rooftop historically used as a defensive platform, which preserves the entirety of the old parapet, a rare case in this type of buildings, most of which appear lowered. The walls are constructed with limestone masonry, laid in substantially horizontal courses. In parallel with the restoration of the Ca n’Espatleta tower, archaeological work and a historical-archaeological study were carried out, in compliance with the current regulations on heritage conservation.